secret support

support. I think this could mean many different contexts for different people.

A check-in, a little cry session, anything. Support looks and sounds different for everyone.

Just letting someone know you are there for them can go a long way.

Whether or not it is acknowledged, it can still go a long way.

I think sometimes it’s hard to feel like you are not doing enough as a friend when just reaching out is going above and beyond. I find it challenging, and I mean it’s something I am still working on… but stepping back and realizing I am doing everything I can as a support is all I can do until whoever I am supporting is ready to take it. I always mirror others’ emotions and find it really hard to step back sometimes.

It can be really impacting seeing someone hurting. And it’s hard when sometimes that emotion, or hurt seems like it’s against you when in reality, mental health and isolation looks different for everyone. It’s hard not to assume sometimes that maybe we are the problem. and then we are more hard on ourselves in situations of support. But trust me, you are doing all that you can and no matter how hard it gets, there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Now for when you are being supported, that is also interpreted differently for everyone. It’s hard to accept help from certain people sometimes. Maybe some are expected, some are easy, and some are difficult for reasons of disappointing them or just feeling too weak to ask for help. Remember that true friends and true supporters are never people to be afraid of but rather the ones that will always be around. I find it hard to understand that. If I am in a slump sometimes I really don’t like “burdening” other people with my struggles. Friends support one another and there should never be fear surrounding opening up. It just shows that you are more human.

Support goes both ways. I think about getting what you give. If you give support, it shows reliability, trust and loyalty. and that is strengthening. There are moments where some don’t put in the same but don’t forget that what goes around comes around, and that can mean a good thing too.


with love,
