a letter to first year

Dear first year,

Where do I even start.

Oh what fun you were with all your might and glory.

The transition year. The year of new. The year of fun. The year of me. The year of you.

The year I met some of the most amazing people that I can be grateful for forever. The year I got to spend with the best roommate. A year to find me while losing me a little too. A year of stories. life. laughter. love. happiness. joy. sadness. stress. But most of all; growth.

It doesn’t go without saying that this year has thrown me a curveball in every direction. Made some friends while losing some friends. Getting bad marks and being disappointed in myself yet finding what I want to do in life. Turning away boundaries while realizing my purpose. my worth. Being away from some of my hometown friends. Learning to protect my peace. my soul. and my kindness.

It doesn’t matter how many losses you think you have. The true win is the growth that comes from it.

I didn’t know what life could be outside my hometown before I stepped foot on McMaster Campus my very first day. Oh what the year would bring.

Life works in the most mysterious ways sometimes and I think first year was a wake up call for the next chapter of my life. I learned that maybe things that are out of my control are just that. out of my control. Maybe life is out of our control. We can do what we can to build ourselves, to grow and develop but there are so many things that we just have to understand that letting them happen will in the end turn us in the direction we are meant to go. and accomplish what we were meant to accomplish.

planning. it works until it gets in our way. from experiencing what’s meant for us.

I love that you taught me so many valuable lessons this year. And also gave me the opportunity to start to find myself again. Because whether or not it was shown, I was mentally losing my sense of purpose that I had once grown before. My mind would go a million directions, my anxiety was through the roof yet I managed to live everyday to the best I could and continue to truly find who I wanted to be.

I loved the spontaneity. I loved my Paisley runs (if you know you know). I loved walking around campus like I lived in a small town. I loved the chance to explore. I loved my room; the way it felt so at home. I loved getting coffee on campus. I loved so much about first year that I almost forget all the challenges I faced.

And that’s what it’s about. If you don’t dwell on the bad, you gain the power to bring you positive growth and the development that’s waiting for you.

Thank you for bringing me a year that I will never forget.

And to the people who made this year unforgettable, there are not enough words to ever express my appreciation.


with love

Grace <3