To my lovely readers,
I am coming to you on this snowy Wednesday (well, snowy for me) because today is important.
Today marks Bell Lets Talk day. And although I am conforming to this very day to speak about mental health, my intentions are as clear as they always are. Mental health is something that shouldn’t be dedicated for just one day. National Bell Lets Talk day or World Mental Health day. Mental health is everyday. Every moment. Every second. These aren’t switches in our brains but a part of who we are as humans.
I continue to post every year, on these dedicated days, to continue my efforts in showing that we have the ability to grow into the comfort of our own skin, our minds and our souls. And although we may be viewed as “flawed” with mental challenges, these do not define who we are.
Ending the stigma is something that should always be a goal. And although it seems hard to attain, it should continue to be worked towards. I appreciate that there are so many people in this world who open up about their struggles. That to me is the absolute biggest barrier to break. Speaking what is on your mind when maybe it doesn’t make sense or if it is heavy or weighted thoughts is a really challenging task, so please know that your effort and your strength does not go unnoticed.
This world that we live in is full of struggle. We all struggle. We have days that seem impossible to accomplish. We have moments where we struggle to get out of bed, to be productive, to even put a smile on our face. Holes in our brain fill with worries and anxious thoughts. Stress clouds our judgement. And sometimes feeling down and feeling sad pushes us into isolation. With this in mind, it is important to know, that there is not enough knowledge to what someone is going through. Behind closed doors, the only people who know what we are personally going through is ourselves. And even if we don’t understand it, we are the only ones who can read our own thoughts.
So today, I bring to you this lesson: be gentle with others, be considerate to what they could be going through and what mountain they have to climb. Be empathetic in a maximal way, even if you don’t have the full story. When we show vulnerability because we are struggling, be that person to just show support, even if it means just being present. Care for one another, love one another. Because in this world, if we are going to push forward against this stigma, we must do it together. It’s not just one person that can make this change, but one person who can join forces with others to grow together.
I hope you know that this platform is never leaving. I am always here to show that you are not alone. That you are safe and cared for and loved.
We are amazing. And we are more than our mental health. We need to support each other to know that we are capable of ending this stigma.
with love