I hope you are all doing well.
I’m coming on here to talk about a sad slump I have been having.
I like to come on here and document these times because life is not a linear slope.
It’s important to highlight these moments where maybe a little more vulnerability is present. Just because it shows that we are all human and we have bad days, bad weeks even bad months. It is hard to come to terms with it sometimes or acknowledge that slumps are real.
I mean I acknowledge them a lot. Being in a slump. And sometimes it is not necessarily a sad slump, but a blog slump or a work slump. Some things just happen to go wrong, or become effortful and that’s okay.
So this week I was in a sad slump. I just couldn’t bring myself to do anything that required a lot of effort. I took a lot of breaks. My sleep felt off (I mean it is a lot because my schedule is out of whack, but I had it on track and then it went downhill again). I was emotional. I was busy. I’m working. Overloaded with classes. It’s just been a lot. And the balance is hard to find. I was kinda sad this week. And I try my best to stay optimistic. stay cool and collected. But that is impossible to keep up ALL THE TIME. Although it is a natural part of who I am, sometimes I just get hit in the face with all these different emotions too. This week was sad. Maybe next week will be something else, if I am still in this slump. But the point is, they happen.
The world isn’t perfect. And sometimes these slumps may just mean that we are overworked, overtired and need to reset again. and THAT IS OKAY. It is okay to not feel yourself or feel uncomfortable with your daily routine. It means you are growing. It means you are human. And maybe you just need to change it up a bit. Add something else to your day. Or take the day to yourself. To relax. To reflect (my personal favourite). And maybe to just do nothing. Comfort the slump. And then once you are re-energized, the slump will go away.
We deserve this time for ourselves. Forget about the responsibilities of the real world for a while. And just be in our own company. Become comfortable in the uncomfortable. Does that make sense?
Life is a bumpy road. Without the bumps, we don’t grow. If it were linear, we would probably hit a plateau or just not learn what we are fully capable of. We need these challenges. And I am not going to say they are easy. But it’s important to stay as optimistic as you can. Lean on those who are present and supportive in your life. It’s okay to seek help. To be vulnerable. All in all, that shows strength. And courage. Light at the end of the tunnel. Keep that in mind.
Listen to Jack Johnson. By yourself a coffee at your favourite coffee shop. Go for a walk. Put on a cute outfit (that’s been my go-to this week). Call your best friend. Watch your favourite movie. Sit by the fire with a blanket, a good book, and hot chocolate.
Anything that brings a little joy to your day. Puts a slight smile. PROGRESS. It doesn’t need to be big. It doesn’t need to be time consuming. But taking a few moments to yourself could just be enough to bring some hope of getting out of the slump.
If you are in a slump, like me, I believe in us. That we have the potential to pull ourselves out of it. To conquer anything we desire. We are strong.
I hope this week brings you some pockets of peace, some moments of joy, and experiences to cherish.
Think about this week. Think of a few good things, even if they were small, that brought some light to your day. Write them in your notes, or on a piece of paper. And keep them with you.
If you need a reminder of hope, or some feel good memories, re-read them. It’s not dwelling on the past, but its to remember that in our sad slumps, we still have good moments, they are just sometimes clouded with our emotions, but they are still there.
Wishing you all an amazing week.
with love,
grace <3
“Comfort the slump”, well said. Comforting uncomfortable emotions is so important. Thanks for this blog grace – sending lots of love 😉