soft girl era

“in my soft girl era. I want all the love, peace and happiness. I will not deal with anything, or anyone that stresses me, or brings negativity into my life.” – twitter account

side note: I think I want to make a twitter account because it’s fun to post daily tweets especially for the blog. If I do, the info will be on my Instagram.


Indy Blue posted this tweet on her Instagram story and it made me think about how realistic this could be for me.

I never considered myself to be in an ‘era’. It was just one of those things that I couldn’t define for myself. However, I read this and my mind just switched. This is something I want for myself and need for myself. Especially on my journey to finding myself again and growing, a soft girl era is necessary to build that.

I strive for peace and love and joy despite being hit with challenges from every which way. It speaks to my kindness and my soul when I say this is something that is fitting towards who I want to be and how I want to act.

I will work towards bringing balance into my life.

Balance with my mind.

Balance with work.

Balance with everything.

Because that is a key aspect in my life.


There is much to it that I need to feel like my best self.

This era is going to be big.

I want peace.






Anything that brings that mellow Sunday morning feeling again. That’s the feeling I used to get when everything just seemed right. When I had reached a growth I was proud of and a growth that reminded me of who I want to be.

My goal is that feeling. And along the way I will build more than I could ever imagine. But I know this is needed for me. My mind. My body. And my soul.

I hope you can find your era too. It may look different for everyone but whatever can get you to a place of peace… any era and work counts.


with love

Grace <3