the rise of anxious thoughts

A while back, I wrote a blog about anxiety, worry, and intrusive thoughts. I was going through a period of time where everything, even the most tiniest of things were getting to me. And here I am today, pretty much writing about the same thing. Anxiety, anxiety and more anxiety.

HAPPY SUNDAY! It’s been a couple weeks again. I get really motivated in these spurts of energy to be super productive and on top of my to-do lists. And then there are moments where my attention span is short and sweet and I can’t maintain the same amount of productiveness as I would hope.

This has been my fluctuation for the past few weeks. School work is busy but not as prioritized as it should be. But this was also expected as I get quite distracted in the summer trying to be outside and busy all the time. The work gets done eventually but it’s within these energy fluctuations were it gets hard to keep up with.

Then there’s the whole job search, in which I am not the most successful in as of late. Getting a job is hard as is, but it’s even harder during the summer months too which has definitely been contributing to the increasing anxiousness that I have been feeling.

On top of that, I am still burnt out. I feel like my body has yet to fully recover from the physical burnout I experienced in April, which has now carried onto May, which may continue into the beginning of June.

And on top of that, I have been feeling a little out of sorts, maybe lost but not to the full extent. And also in a way that I haven’t really experienced since a few years back. It’s like time is just moving forward and I don’t really have what I had hoped to have figured out. I know that it’s okay to not have everything sorted, but it just feels wasteful to not be fully accomplishing what I hope.

I think that’s the bigger challenge in times where life is feeling quite weighted and unpredictable. A time where not everything is going the way you’d hope. Where maybe there is a little more negativity present. Trying to find acceptance in failure or not even failure just blandness can be difficult. What I try to remind myself is that the little things matter here. The small wins everyday to remind myself that I am just trying my best. Life can’t just always be at a high level. We of course, can make the best of everything but it’s also important to note that growth comes from hard challenges that we face too.

It’s also important to be present during this time. To be able to observe what’s going on around me and continue to appreciate everyone and everything currently present.



with love

grace <3