3 Tips to Motivation

As someone who focuses on positive growth, I want to share a few of my personal key tips to staying motivated. We all understand that it’s hard to get off the couch and stay productive, but with this short list of tips, it can turn into a quick and healthy habit!

Before you quickly decide to try these steps thinking you will be successful right away, remember that it takes a little practice when it comes to altering your mindset with decision making! I really encourage all of you to keep trying and let me know with a comment if you enjoyed trying out a few of these tips.

Set Small Goals

It is really helpful to plan out a few small goals to build some confidence in yourself! Having a little bit of structure is not a bad thing and I can personally say that it really improves my motivation when I know the simplicity in achieving these little tasks. Something like cleaning your room, or walking for 15 minutes can show you just how productive you can be in your day which eventually leads to more motivation in getting to those big goals! I will also add to maybe have a little planner. For me, I love making aesthetic lists with lots of colors to complete small goals plus it adds a little bit of enjoyment to your day. It does not have to be massive, but a little notepad can go a long way.


It is SO IMPORTANT to have some fun when it comes to motivation. If you are trying to be productive, the best thing you can add is some variety to your daily activities. The more fun you have with completing tasks, the more you will actually achieve! For example, if your goal is to exercise more, get creative, and switch it up! You know what they say, variety is the spice of life (or something like that). Try walking your dog one day, then go for a hike with some friends another day (This is shown in the video of me on a hike!); go for a sunset bike ride, do sunrise yoga on your porch or even have a small dance party in your room. With these activities, you are getting exercise and having some fun which will allow you to expand your creativity to a whole new level, and you will be motivated to do more!

Self Love

I recently did a little poll on Instagram (thank you for all your participation!) asking about if you reward yourself after reaching your goals. 84% said yes which I am so happy that so many of you already show some self-love! For those who chose ‘no’, do not worry but hopefully, after reading, you can try and see the difference when you have some fun when trying to get motivated! With this, I will say that it is extremely important to reward yourself in your journey to reaching your goals. Linked at the bottom of the blog is a website I found that explains that when you treat yourself, your brain actually releases dopamine (a chemical that makes you feel good), and when this happens it can actually cause more drive to reach your goals!

I also followed up with a question to see how some of you reward yourself and things like online shopping for some items you wanted, taking a little self-care day and even eating chocolate (my personal favorite) are amazing ways to reward yourself because my goodness, we work too hard sometimes and our bodies absolutely deserve all the care in the world! So, out of all of these tips, I encourage you to try this one first, to teach you that it is necessary to treat yourself sometimes! So go buy that new dress or do a facemask! (My personal online shopping reward always leads to Aritzia!)

Thank you for reading this week’s blog and I really encourage you to try a couple tips to see if you can achieve some of your goals!