midterm season


First of all, I realize so often that I am so grateful for this little community. I not only create this space for you but also this helps me acknowledge my own feelings and learn more about myself. So THANK YOU for reading and being a part of this community. It means more to me than words can even describe.

I am currently in the midst of midterms. I wrote 3 before reading week and now for the next three weeks they are just back to back to back. I like the busy feeling of it all. But at the same time, I haven’t been able to get fully into this school groove. Something is feeling different about third year. In a way where there is this subtle feeling in the air. Most of it is feeling unmotivated.

With all these back to back tests, it’s easy to fall behind. And I think that’s a main university struggle of staying on top of everything.

I balance this stress with the time I spend with friends. My people are soooo amazingly supportive and we truly are all in this together (not me quoting high school musical but it’s true). This time really is the factor that builds balance into my life. Even if it is doing nothing but being in the presence of my friends, that is all I need to take away some of the built up internal stress.

It’s important to recognize those who show these supportive qualities and help heal stresses. Those who make you laugh when the world is just feeling heavy, and those who are always there to listen to you on those rough and hard days. The ones that bring comfort in their energy and a safe space for you to feel included and acknowledged.

These friends are truly special.

I truly believe I find the most comfort (or a home feeling) when I am around my people. I can’t really name a place that feels the most at home but who I am surrounding myself with and the time I spend with the people I love. It makes me happy that I know when in my hardest times, I can easily be brought into the light when I am around the right people. And not because I completely rant away my problems but because the calm and positive energy they reflect is contagious.

I’ve been learning about this part of myself a lot more over the past year. I go through periods of reflection during hard times. And I go through moments where I feel completely lost. But over this past year, I have begun to understand how I cope, and how I can support myself through these times. I also have really been understanding who in my life is bringing out the best versions of myself. This realization has been magical and something I didn’t know I needed.

Anyway, I could ramble on about the people in my life forever because they are so amazing.

But all in all, it is important to reflect during stressful times, about who you are surrounding yourself with, and whether these friendships compliment you and your life and goals!!

I hope you are all doing well!



with love

grace <3