5 Self-Care Tips for 2021

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Hope you all got some relief from the last few moments of 2021.

I want to kick-off the start of the new year with my top five self-care tips

There are no right or wrong ways to self-care, this is just what I do to make sure I am taking care and being kind to myself, my mind, and my body.


  1. Daily Movement – When I say daily movement, I mean mindful activities that make you feel good, strong, and happy. Yes, working out is amazing and if that is what relieves stress and is a part of who you are, then that is a perfect example of mindful moving. If you enjoy hiking or yoga or even just walking the dog, that is also mindful moving. I feel like sometimes we get too in our heads about having to complete the biggest activity whether it comes to ab workouts or going to the gym, but little do we know that if we are happy doing something that makes us feel good, then that is the real success.
  2. Drink Your Water – For me this is super important, and I have gotten better over the past months having my reusable Starbucks cup by my side constantly to remind me to stay hydrated. Water is essential and I am just gonna leave it at that. Don’t forget, it’s easier when it’s in sight or beside you.
  3. 10 Minutes of Something That Makes You Happy – This one is important to me because even on bad days, it’s those 10 minutes that will distract me from any stress and bring some peace to my day. And obviously, it can be more or less than 10 minutes, I mean you can’t bake cookies in the span of 10 minutes, it’s almost impossible. But making sure to fit in a hobby or activity you enjoy can brighten your days in ways that will surprise you.
  4. Try Something New – This kinda goes with the previous tip however, this is also super important. There are times where we can just build things up in our heads or procrastinate something that could actually be an important asset to our happiness. Trying something new opens the mind to new creative outlets and it keeps us mindfully active to help keep our mindset healthy and happy. I was talking to someone at the drive-thru at work the other day and she said she took up painting during quarantine and I was telling her how AMAZING that was! Then she went on to say that she had wanted to do it for so long and finally had the courage to start and from there she began selling her work and has had the most positive experience ever. It’s the small steps we take into the unknown that can have the biggest impact on our future!
  5. Finally, Connect With Ourselves and Those Who Share Our Energy – For me, this goes in hand with one of the biggest lessons I learned in 2020. That is one, focusing on building my self-awareness and care for my mind, and two, realizing those in my life who constantly support me and radiate similar energy to myself are the rare kind that is super important to be grateful for. There is so much out of our control however, we have full control over who we want in our lives and what we can spend our time and effort on. I think in my life so far, I’ve learned that people come and go, but everyone in my life has taught me a lesson whether I have realized it or not. And that gave me a perspective on the impact others have on me.

I hope you choose to spend some time this year caring for yourself and your mind so you can be the best and happiest versions of yourselves.

Stay Kind:)