How To Make The Most Out Of Your Morning

Happy Sunday! I know I’ve been super M.I.A. this week. Just getting back into the routine of school and wanted to plan some ideas for a few future blogs! I hope the kickstart of this year has been just what you needed to get some motivation back and to set some achievable goals to work on!

This week, I wanted to share my secret to making the most out of your mornings. I’ve had many ups and downs when it comes to mornings. I used to be a major early bird; always up early and ready to go. Then high school hit and although I was getting up on time, the times that I went to bed continued to get later and later and later. So I would wake up tired, unmotivated, and definitely, there was a period where I did not make the most of my mornings. But recently, I have been getting better again. I have been getting up early, moving, having a good breakfast which that sets me up for the rest of the day.

Here are my favorite secrets to making the most out of your mornings!

1. Setting Your Alarm

First of all, setting an alarm is great. My favorite thing to do is to set it to one of my favorite songs at the moment. One that is not too alarming but loud enough for me to wake up and feel happy. Lately, it’s been a mellow Jack Johnson song because Sundays are my favorite mornings and I want that feeling to continue throughout the week. I also try to set my phone away from my bed so it forces me to get out of bed and start moving as I turn off my alarm.

2. Picking Out An Outfit That Makes You Happy

I started spending more time picking out what I was going to wear because I liked the feeling of experimenting with different styles and picking out something that I felt super happy to wear. As much as our pajamas are super comfortable, picking out an outfit in the morning has, for me, caused a lot more motivation and a feeling of goodness in the morning. Now, I understand at this time we aren’t really seeing any people with lockdown but to pick an outfit for yourself is the goal to start out your morning.


3. Get Moving

I know this isn’t suiting for everyone, maybe you prefer working out in the afternoons or later in the day. Or maybe you enjoy those morning workouts. Either way, whether it is high intensity or not, moving for a few minutes each morning helps get your blood flowing and can definitely clear your mind for the rest of the day. If I don’t do a workout in the morning, sometimes the motivation just isn’t there, I choose to practice yoga or go for a short walk. They are little enjoyments that put a smile on my face and get me ready for my daily tasks.

4. Eat Breakfast

Breakfast is super important to make sure we are getting in those nutrients to give our body energy for the rest of the day. Sometimes you are on the go and that happens, but it’s important to make sure you get a small window in your morning to sit and down and eat a proper, nutritious breakfast. My go-to is fruit and granola, courtesy of my all-time favorite granola recipe. Or I even just start off with an energizing smoothie.

5. Morning Skincare

I find morning skincare so refreshing and it honestly gets me out of my sleepy mood. I use my favorite products, wash my face and that’s all I need to be a little extra motivated for the day.


Since quarantine, I have been trying to perfect my coffee recipe. It’s definitely been a challenge since I have been switching between almond and soy milk and the amount of coffee I use in my latte. But lately, my personal favorite has been a vanilla almond milk latte. It makes me happy to drink my morning coffee even if it sounds like the smallest thing. To be able to perfect something and enjoy it might be the key to bringing a little more joy to your morning.


I hope you all can try out a few of these tips to kick-start your mornings and make the most out of your days!

Stay Kind:)