she’s been mia


I hope you are all doing well.

I hate to admit this, but I have been MIA. Like to the max. Which is not something I ideally planned on doing. But circumstances rose, and I wasn’t able, nor had much motivation, to write these past couple of weeks.

Through the rush of exams and my third year ending along with some health stuff and being mentally burnt out, I just couldn’t bring myself to write and post.

I am making my comeback though. and will try to stay on top of it during the summer. Which will be nice because as far as I am aware, at the moment, my summer plans allow me to have a pretty steady routine. Summer is always that weird transition. But luckily, no big transitions have to take place so I have enough time to just rejuvenate and build a routine that I am comfortable with.

Over the past while, it has been feeling very hectic. Lots of plans, lots of overstimulation and lots of deadlines that I have had to meet. Although I am trying to balance my life with the end of the semester and keeping up with my social life, it was a crazy time where I couldn’t stop and build structure.

All in all, summer is here and I am beyond excited for this summer. Concerts, school, work, and living with my uni friends is going to be just the best.


On a complete side note, I turned 21 two weeks ago. Which is just crazy.

I feel like it hasn’t really hit me yet. Birthdays are an odd time in my opinion. I am not the biggest fan of having the birthday moment and making things a big deal, BUT I used it as a way to hang out with all of my friends <3 It was a really special (and busy) weekend and I was able to be around some amazing humans who made my entire weekend full of wholesomeness and just happy moments.

21 is supposed to feel like a big year, right? I mean, it seems like I have stepped into a new chapter of sorts, but it just doesn’t really feel that way. I almost feel a bit conflicted, but not in a terrible way, just conflicted about what this year will entail. But I mean at the same time, I also welcome the unpredictability. This summer, I am leaning more towards spontaneity and just enjoying myself. I want to make random plans and go on fun adventures. So I guess that is sort of a goal for this year. To just continue being spontaneous and choosing things that make me happy and are good for my mental health.


On a completely different side note, I went to two concerts in the past two weeks, and they were amazing. I am embracing the concert life again. Going to anything and everything I possibly can with my friends and family. If my money is going anywhere this summer, I can guarantee concerts will be high on that list.


Anyways, I hope you are all doing well!



with love

grace <3

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