graceful 75 closer


The Graceful 75 challenge officially ended this week. And now I want to reflect on it.

I think the hardest thing with this challenge was balance. In the beginning, you are trying to implement new habits, but they bring an effortful weight as they impede your daily routine. Especially being a full-time student with a job and trying to keep up with social life, I knew this challenge was going to be challenging. And for being on a light-hearted note, in trying to implement more wellness into my life, change is still hard.

So, in the beginning, finding that balance was a difficult endeavour and the idea of keeping yet another list in my head was emotionally draining. I can’t say I would come out of this challenge with all positives. Because yes, in a perfect world, there would be no challenges or negative feelings. However, growth is not linear and neither is the creation of habits. In the end, I completed the challenge, and I can truly say that I feel accomplished.

Again, change is hard. And trying to change habits seems impossible. Throughout this challenge I have continued to realize how important practicing wellness is, and not just for our mental health, for for our body and lifestyle and many other aspects.

I started to learn again what works in my life and what doesn’t. The list that I created for the graceful 75 was one that had opportunity to change. Although I did not follow every step each day (life gets in the way sometimes), I was still implementing what was working for me.

I think the biggest lesson I learned is the art of discipline and dedication in attaining goals. And I don’t mean discipline in a strict and harsh way, but one where you maintain the idea that although the progress seems long, the perseverance through to the end goal is what truly matters. So discipline is in the form of long-term effort, to not give up but to keep going in the face of challenge.

And thank you for coming along with this journey. It means more to me than words can describe.


with love

grace <3

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