Dear Sweet Sweet Seattle,
It has been two months since I have been here, and I think I have had the most reflective self-discovery journey of my life. I don’t know if those are the most perfect words to describe my experience, but I have grown beyond what words can explain. I have learned much more about myself than I could have imagined. I have learned what it takes to live by yourself, as an adult, in a big city.
I admire this city. The people. The energy. It’s a fast pace, but this is something I absolutely crave. I’ve always been go-go-go. It’s hard not to be when I am a high achiever with big dreams and big expectations for myself. This energy I felt, this motivation, led me to experience such wonderful places in the city. It got me out and about and learning how to be comfortable with my own company.
I think I have learned a few big lessons while being here.
One, you have to learn to love yourself and your own company before you can truly and effortlessly let others in. By this, I think we can all be blindsided into thinking we are at this point until we are forced into a situation of demonstrating big independence. It’s easy to believe you can do this until you are shown that you need a little more growth. This was a truth for me. Sometimes, the energy I put out for the world leaves only a sliver for myself. This action doesn’t show the love I have for myself, it shows the effort I put into external forces. So when I am left with my thoughts in a new place where I don’t know anyone, and haven’t built my foundation yet, I don’t have a lot of confidence in myself. These exploring periods, moments where we can be by ourselves; that is going to balance the energy again. Re-learning what you love to do, what makes you happy, and making decisions while being mindful of your needs will help establish this love you can have for yourself and an opportunity to bring energy for your mind and body and soul.
The second big lesson I have learned is how much I admire the people around me. Deeper than that, I have learned in a sense what home means to me. It is not a materialistic endeavor but rather who I choose to surround myself with. It is the deep connections that I form and the humans I confidently call my friends and family. It’s hard to learn this when I am immersed in it 24/7, so when I came here, and was traded for a big independent era, it was easy to see how I thrive around my people and the love I have for all of them. I think it was pretty special to truly understand that about myself. And I am grateful that I had the opportunity to deeply connect with what makes me the happiest, and I believe it is the moments I have with my people.
The last big lesson I have learned being here, is that life is not easy. Life is not linear all the time. I feel like I have always known this, but extremes vary and life truly is different for everyone. And challenges are different for everyone. I have really gotten a taste of being an adult by myself these past two months. But despite these challenges, it’s also important to be strong for yourself. Being alone in a big city, things will turn sideways, but they are very very right when they say that these bumps in the road are what makes us stronger. Barriers will be coming and going throughout our lives, but being strong and being there for yourself, is what will help grow through all of this. It may seem quite impossible in the moment, but we are capable to achieve much more than what we initially believe. We just have to keep persevering, and trying our best.
Also, I have learned how beautiful our earth is. I’ve also known this since being able to travel here and there, but Seattle just showed me so much beauty in the smallest places. Earth is pretty amazing and I just had to take note of that.
I am sad to leave this adventure behind, but the person I have grown into from this experience will truly last a lifetime. I am grateful beyond words being able to tackle this opportunity and to have learned so much about myself and the world.
Seattle, I love you with my whole heart.
with love,