the power of self-talk


I have been thinking ALL DAY about what to write about this week and I really just don’t know. No specific topic has been calling my name. UGH. kind of frustrating.

SIDE NOTE, I am literally only in Seattle for two more weeks. LIKE WHAT. Basically two months have gone by. A lot of people have told me how fast time will fly. And there’s always something that just doesn’t make me believe it until literally the ‘I told you so’ moment. This is it right here. It went by almost too fast.

Next week, I have a little “Letter for Seattle” that I am going to post. I think that’s why I am kinda lacking some creativity for this week.


I’ve been online a lot recently. Just with one of my hobbies being content creating if that’s even what I would call it (kinda sounds like influencing, but definitely not what I mean). Basically just sharing my life, but with a genuine hope of being raw and real and really just capturing moments I love. For me, it is truly about those small moments and the people I am with, and that’s what I love to share. But also with taking an online sociology class, and just having time to organize my life, I have had the chance to read up on some things, and just clear my head in that sense.

Besides the point, I have been learning more about positive self-talk. You know, it’s something that I feel like we don’t do enough. And what I mean by positive self-talk is the inner voice that we have. As an optimist, it’s not too challenging to be positive on the outside, but it’s hard to catch that sometimes I can have a negative inner voice. It’s something that is out of our control until we catch it and that’s when we can attempt to consciously alter it in a positive manner. I think of it as a way that establishes how we are our biggest competitors and it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparison and always just wanting to be “better” or different.

I think we should take a few moments each day and really think and thank ourselves for just existing. If we accomplish something so minuscule, we should thank ourselves. If we had a hard time getting out of bed, but we did and as result we started our day, we should thank ourselves. If we had a tough day, but made it home and are sitting on the couch and having a treat, we should thank ourselves.

As much as we want to stay positive for others, we exist too and deserve the same positivity that can be spread outward. I say this with hope that you acknowledge the power of your existence. We do not need to change or be different to deserve this treatment. We are amazing the way we are and we should personally acknowledge that too.

I think uniqueness is powerful. Our individuality is pretty amazing and there should be no force strong enough to make you doubt that, even for a second. Your life is YOUR life. LIVE IT LOUDLY AND PROUDLY. By this, I mean: travel, go on adventures, buy that dress, wear that outfit you have been planning to wear, go see friends, take chances on people and moments (you never know what could come out of it), hug your people, tell the truth, dance around in the rain, just make sure you are being you. AND MAKE SURE TO THANK YOURSELF FOR BEING SO AMAZING.



with love
