emotions, they’re everywhere

emotions. such a big word that sometimes can’t even be described.

Is it bad to be too emotional? or not emotional at all?

There is no “in-between” anymore. Like common or middle ground.

A lot of people hide their emotions. bottle up what they are truly feeling because saying it out loud makes it more real or more weighted.

I think emotions are what make us, us.

All the good and all the “bad” (except I don’t think there are bad emotions to feel).

When it comes to emotions, I believe every one of them is VALID.

There could be some that don’t think the same, but maybe they haven’t realized that every emotion is what helps us grow.

Lately I feel like I have been dealing with many emotions at once. And it is VERY overwhelming. I don’t know how to take charge and control them. Or should I think about that a different way? maybe we can’t control our emotions but we can acknowledge them and learn when and what triggers them. That way we can pinpoint why we are feeling what we are feeling. Does that make sense?

I have been taking this mental health and illness class in school and to be honest I leave every lecture questioning every single thing I know and understand about the brain. But then again, I realize that everyone has different opinions and outlooks on life and I can only do as much as share mine and continue to spread my knowledge and ambitions around.

The main point of this blog that seems to be all over the place is to own your emotions. There is nothing bad about feeling!! Remember it makes us human, and there are no bad emotions.

I also wanted to say that I got a lot of positive messages from those who read last week’s blog and it makes me appreciative of my supporters friends and family around me.


with love,
