feeling euphoric ie. feeling happy


This week has felt like another life lesson moment. It’s been one where I have felt mentally drained and exhausted, almost to another point of burnout. Lately, I have been putting my social battery to the test and really letting it runs its course.

But then there are moments where all of a sudden, I am around all of these amazing people and I feel re-charged again. Even the simplest phone calls this week talking to some of my friends have been highlights of my day. I guess that re-establishes my thought about being an extravert. As much as I have my introverted moments, where I need a real independent reset, majority of the time I actually feed off of the energy of others. This weekend taught me that. There are people in this world that when in their presence, I get this feeling that I among genuine people that really just make me happy.

I think about these things a lot. And I try to tune in and observe what really contributes to my energy levels and also what doesn’t. And being around other people really does. It’s weird because you think having alone time is a go-to to gain energy back, which in some cases, yes it’s very true. But for me, I have been learning how sometimes just being around people that support me and lift me up can do that exact thing too.

This weekend was a big reminder for how spontaneous life can get and how sometimes having ‘no plan’ can turn out to be exactly what you need. And now I am starting this new week off with a good foot.

This week is turning the corner toward the last days of my graceful 75 challenge. I will dive more into it when I do my review and everything after the wellness challenge is over, but as of right now, I can definitely say that this has truly been a big learning moment for me and I can’t wait to take the time and reflect on my experience with implementing more wellness into my life.

I hope you are all doing well



with love

grace <3