moments on moments on moments


It is the last week of November officially. So weird how time was passing this month. Next week is December and then 2023 is officially over. It’s crazy how fast this year went by. And now I’m making my year end video.

Looking back on all my video memories from the year has me reminiscing and missing my adventures over the summer. It’s hard to let go of moments. Especially core moments where we forget about all the worries, the issues, and the challenges around us. The moments that have us filled with this internal happy feeling. This contagious energy. I’ve been given the wonderful opportunity of experiencing those moments a lot over this year.

Moments that I never want to leave, but eventually fade into past memories. I think it’s hard. Some of the people I met on these adventures and the places I got to explore felt like a fever dream. And sometimes I let this sort of sad feeling take over when I realize these moments are gone. But then I realize that these are the moments that changed me, gave me a new perspective, and have helped me grow. So although they feel like past memories, I will truly hold them forever as I have become who I am now because of them. It’s like I hold these happy moments with me at all times.

It’s not to feel saddened when reminiscing about amazing experiences you have had. And it’s very normal to wish to go back, reverse time. But I think that we sometimes fall into the habit of questioning whether life will “ever be that good again” or if we will ever get these feelings back again when they are lost in the present. Moments are said to not last forever, or good things are supposed to come to an end. As cliche as that sounds, it also has some truth to it as well.

Life is not linear, it actually feels like a wave most of the time. Highs are high and lows feel pretty heavy. But that’s just it. We have to embrace everything. For that when we look back, we understand how every second counts and shapes our life in the smallest or biggest ways. In the end, what we are putting out into the world is going to come back to us. It’s a reciprocation. So despite challenges coming your way, remember how much effort you put into your life everyday and continue to understand that you are strong and can truly overcome a lot. Stay hopeful, stay true to yourself, and trust me when I say that if you continue to be yourself, the world will reciprocate.

So going back to my videos, I have learned to catch myself in these moments of reminisce to make sure I am reminiscing and not wishing life away or thinking that these are the only moments of worth. Because truly every moment is worth it in this wonderful life we have.

There is a big reason why I continue to make these videos. Not only do I love sharing what I capture to my friends and my family, but I also love to remind myself that I have the capability of finding peace and joy in the smallest of moments. In the lows of life, I stay hopeful, I create moments to shine a bit of light through the clouds. Or at least I try my best. Yes. Just trying my absolute best because that is truly the most we can do.

So these videos are almost a reminder of how many small moments did actually have an impact on my year. No matter the extravagant adventure, or just being around my favourite people in my house, there were so many things that have contributed to my life, my soul, my mind. Plus, I feel like I am also making a video diary of life through these videos and I love the idea of looking back on these years and just seeing how much life can change.

Again, it’s around this time where I get all emotional about my end of year reflecting state. All the emotions just start floating around, and it is a time where I fully let them all in.

I hope you are all doing okay.



with love

grace <3