weather effects


It’s that time of year. It’s getting colder and the sun isn’t shining as much. This is definitely a time of year where the mood starts to decrease, we spend more time inside, and the motivation just isn’t lighting up.

I’m here to tell you that you aren’t the only person to feel this way. I think this time of year really gets the best of us. And trust me, it’s sometimes hard to combat this one. For some, including myself, nature is our way of gaining energy and building activity and wellness into our day. So when it gets all cold and dry and dark outside during the winter, we can very easily lose touch with some of these things.

I’ve been noticing lately how much energy I feel like I have lost now that its almost winter. Since I have been acknowledging this more, I have also been trying to figure out how to cope with decline in energy. So far, I have been deciding to embrace the cold. To continue to go on my walks, but bundled up. To embrace the winter-time feelings, in cooking cozy meals, and making my favourite warm coffee recipes. And recently I started baking again and taking up old hobbies I lost touch with.

It’s things like this that have reminded me that despite not having the sun to always give me energy, there are hobbies that I love that are also able to fulfill that need.

The end of the year almost feels like that final push in the last leg of a race. But sometimes I think it’s easily forgotten that these last two months are still part of life. And there are still moments of wonderful life despite the weather and mood and environment feeling a little more bleh. So although we want to push through the cold and just bypass these mellower months, we can still find moments of energy from activities we don’t always do.

I’m keeping it short and sweet this week but just know these slower months are felt by a lot of people. And we are in this together.



with love,

grace <3