psychology corner

After finishing classes, I’ve felt an eagerness to keep up with the psychology news. I want to immerse myself in the new updates, what’s changing, and what’s being discovered in the psychology world.

Before I left one of my psychology courses, I learned something that had kind of dramatically changed between fall term and winter term. It boggled my mind that a concept I could grasp in my previous psychology class could change literally in the span of a few months.

It made me want to research and learn. So I thought why not blog about it too.

I think I might start sharing some things that I learn with keeping up with the psychology world.

We’ll call it our little psychology corner.

And don’t worry, it’s not all science based, but things that could apply to our everyday lives. If you don’t already, I definitely recommend following the Local Optimist on Instagram. They do the same thing; keep their followers updated on the latest Mental Health News. And I want to do the same but more so in regards to mental health, wellness, everyday lifestyle. So that’s what I am going to do for all of you.

Just a little snippet each week.

Lately, I have been reading a lot about stress. Just because it’s exam season and usually around this time, stress lingers more consistently in the air.

The burnout is real, and I have started to learn about the real impacts of stress on our bodies.

Experiencing stress is not always a bad thing, because it really can push us to strive for accomplishment and success, but it can definitely start to take its toll on an individual. There are a lot of physical side effects to stress, and I, amongst many, have been experiencing them. With the school year being so short and confined to strict deadlines, this high intensity stress comes and then goes, but the effects linger into exhaustion, and pain, and getting sick.

In the article I read (linked down below), managing stress can come in many forms, from embracing nature to taking a social media break.

For me personally, I reside more to nature and since it has been so nice outside, I’ve been craving the sun more and more and it truly has done wonders. Even a short walk or sitting outside for a little while has made a big difference in how I have been feeling about exams.

Anyway, although this may seem like common sense, don’t forget it’s easy to be out of touch for what our bodies really need to reset from stress. This connection is more strong than we think and we can keep a healthy balance to feel our very best 🙂

hope you all are doing well


with love

grace <3



How Does Stress Affect Our Bodies


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