two decades

This past weekend I turned 20.

20 20 20.

Absolutely crazy. Like that’s two decades. CRAZY. Birthdays are kind of weird now. I don’t really know how to feel toward them. I hear many things about being in your twenties. Things to accomplish. Things to learn. Things to experience. It’s scary to think about. On top of school, there’s life of your twenties to experience.

Do I need to timeline my life now? Or just continue to let it happen? I feel like I get mixed reviews. There are definitely things that will be out of our control, but should I feel the need to accomplish things by a certain age?

I haven’t been twenty for a whole day yet, and I am kind of stressed but excited at the same time.

A new journey. I am stressed because I feel like there is so much to accomplish but also excited because I hope for the opportunity to accomplish all of these things.

twenty is going to be a good decade.

I am grateful for my life so far. I am appreciative of the opportunities I have been given, for the people that have been in my life and the wonderful world around me. 20 is going to be a good year.

I want to travel in my twenties, and continue to strive for my goals. I want to continue to be around the people I love. I want to embrace change, accept failure, and grow through lessons. Basically what I am doing now, but I will feel more like a grown up doing it. I think the main thing is that being twenty I really do feel like an adult. Capable of my dreams and ambitions.

I always get this eerie feeling around my birthday. Almost like I don’t know how to act. Since it also falls near the end of the school year, I am also burnt out. I am preoccupied with what I need to finish school wise for summer to start. I feel almost distracted sometimes. And it’s hard to be celebrating when I am in a higher stress period.

I enjoyed my day. It was nice outside, it was very relaxing, and very wholesome.

I am just feeling extra grateful lately.

I am going to keep it short and sweet.

More to come soon.


with love

grace <3