gap between school and summer


I don’t even know if this makes sense, but do you ever feel like there is a gap between finishing the school year and starting summer? I don’t even know what to call it… like the pre-summer gap or something. It just separates exam season and summer.

Well anyway, I am feeling like I am sitting right in the middle of that, and it feels weird. Like I genuinely feel lost right now. And not in a super terrible way either. Just lost with what I want to do. Because over the years, especially in late high school and university so far, I have been learning more and more how much I thrive with staying busy. So I think that one of my biggest challenges is just thriving in the motion of doing nothing. I like structure and I LOVE filling up my days with plans and work that keep me busy but I know it’s not always the healthiest habit. Because truly I can find productivity in not accomplishing the “world” in a day.

Being productive is also taking care of my mental and physical health. I was overwhelmed with the fact that I had to take a quick break from everyday life to listen to my physical health a few weeks ago. Having to step away from what is normal to me for a second was like my life turning a full 180. But it’s within this where I was starting to learn that I genuinely needed this break. I was overworking myself too much to a point of exhaustion. I am now slowly learning that these breaks can be a sign that our bodies are giving us to just take a step back.

Me feeling lost in these moments are almost a discomfort. Which now I can remind myself that sitting with unfamiliarity is part of the whole growth process.


I still don’t know what this summer is going to bring. But I have already taken a few steps in building a routine that I know I am going to enjoy. Again, it’s re-implementing wellness into my day so that when it starts to get busy again, I can already have steps in my day to keep that balance. There’s always a point in summer where it just gets really busy. And it gets fuzzy with how much wellness we can fit into our busy schedules. So, the idea of already having them form into habits can maintain the incorporation of daily wellness.


I hope you are doing well <3



with love

grace <3