Mental Health Awareness Month


The month of May is dedicated to mental health awareness month.

I want to share my experience.

I want to share my thoughts.

I want to share insights.

I want to share other accounts.

I want to promote positivity.

I want to grow the mental health community.

I want to bring awareness.

I want to donate to organizations.

I want to help.

I want to talk.

I want to listen.

Mental health is something we need to continue to talk about constantly. We need an open mind and an open heart to understand each other and take further steps towards ending the stigma surrounding mental health.

This month hits very close to my heart and I will do anything and everything to create a space open to everyone.

I’m turning these ‘wants’ into actions through the phrase ‘speak it until you see it’.

This month is dedicated to opening our minds towards a step into the future of relatedness and comfort and I am happy to have this space to share all of that.

That’s it for this week’s blog.

Stay Kind:)