pretty pure

Do you ever hear a song and just have a major flashback moment to a time that felt just pure.

I don’t know how to explain it properly but story-time: a few days ago, I put on this playlist I made a couple years ago. And this song came on: Firelight by Hundred Waters. And I don’t know what happened but I felt like I stepped out of my body and went back two years when I was in BC. It was the summer before my first year of university. I swear I got chills. That time in my life was simple. I wasn’t at the part just yet to feel like I needed to be thinking about first year or the rest of my life. I was surrounded by my family. By beautiful life. Everything was just peaceful. And pure. I just remember hearing this song for the first time when I was in BC. It was played so much on that trip. I felt myself. I felt relieved of past stress. I was extremely happy and just vibing with what was happening around me.

So this song came on and I got chills. And I just thought how much music can make us feel. And how psychologically, we hold onto these “core” memories for life. They are so vivid it’s like it happened yesterday. The way that we make these connections, it just makes me reflect on my life. And how much I love life. And how these magical moments can be held onto forever. And it just helps me to never forget that hard moments happen for us to grow. But these moments. pure moments. as rare as they sometimes are, they last a lifetime.

It’s pretty special to connect soulfully with music and reminisce about life.

I think there has been so much happening around me lately and soooooo many thoughts running through my brain constantly, that this moment to think back and reflect not only took me by surprise, but gave me kind of a reality check. Just that immense stress comes in waves, and it’s okay to be in times of challenge, but that continuing to push through, put in the effort, and work hard will still get me to these moments of peace. Or maybe I will find moments of peace at the most random times.


Also, this is my new favourite song right now: Sold out of Love – The Nude Party

It was heard in Outer Banks, but I swear it is SO GOOD.


What else is new?

School is kicking my butt again, but I feel like it is until exams are over. Life is busy again, but coming on here each week to just write is still a big mindful moment for me.


I think that is about it. Many many many exciting things to come:)



with love

grace <3