
Today marks World Mental Health Day.

Every day, I reflect.

I reflect on myself. my environment. my energy. how I treat others. my goals. my dreams. balance. life. everything.

Every day, I continue to realize how much reflecting helps my life.

I don’t think many people take enough time to truly reflect. To understand themselves. What I realize is that when we reflect, sometimes we miss the big picture; thinking about our thoughts and how we want to feel mentally. Our mental well-being is such an important part of who we are and should be one of our biggest priorities because it is how we present ourselves both hidden or not. We can’t truly be our best selves when we don’t prioritize that part of us called our brain. Our thoughts can be consuming, our minds can turn negative, and challenges can feel as high as a mountain to overcome.

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned regarding mental health is the fact that you never fully know what others are going through. Our minds may seem quiet on the outside when in reality, for some, it is fully raging out on their inner self. It’s really hard to understand what the mind is capable of because it also reflects differently within each person.

We have all fought our battles. Some more than others. But a battle is still a battle and I want to acknowledge the strength within each person reading this for fighting your battles. We are our biggest competitors.

The main point of this is to reflect today. Reflect on yourself, those who are around you, who supports you, where you want to feel mentally, and resources that can help you get there.

I also want to recognize that mental health is a big topic.

We should recognize that no matter how big or small, feelings are valid and it’s okay to not have it figured out. Or what your feelings mean. But the support we can provide others can be the first step in accomplishing that.

We are all human and we are all valid for going through hard times.

Just know that you are never alone.