summer is defrosting


The fact that it is March 31 this week is just absolutely crazy to me. March madness is legit and flies by right in the blink of an eye.

It’s crazy to me that I am entering my last month of my third year of university. To think I am 3/4 of the way done my undergrad is something I have been in denial of all year. It is true when they say that university is over before you know it. And then it’s a big quick jump into the real world, but for me, probably more school. Regardless, before I know it, change is going to happen again. But this is a moment where I just have to remind myself to be present. If I get too ahead of myself, then I miss what is right in front of me; just being a university student trying to live day by day and just be around my friends.

As April begins, summer starts to defrost. And there’s just something about summer… I absolutely cannot wait. I think a lot of my friends and I are in the same boat, just entering the same summer wavelength. And staying in my University town for the summer to just do school, work and hang out with my friends is exactly what I need.

While I will still be putting effort into school and classes, there’s just something about it that seems calming. Basically other than one class per spring/summer semester, I will be working and then when I have free time, I can finally take time to just breathe. I’ll be in my own space, on my own routine, and I think it’s going to feel really freeing.

There’s a big part of me that will miss the fact that it won’t be the same as last summer, where I will be travelling and living somewhere else. But at the same time, this summer is one where I get to be around my people again, and in a routine that feels familiar. And in a time where I have experienced a lot of stress, I am happy to say that familiarity might be something just perfect for me, as of right now.

I feel like it gets stuck in our heads that change is always growth. And change is always needed. But it’s not. Familiarity and routine is growth too, in many other ways than we think. It’s comfortable and consistent while also teaching us discipline and structure.

Right now, while a lot of life aspects seem unpredictable, a summer where I am mostly in my own routine sounds really exciting. And I also think it’s about finding the little things again. The simplicity in familiarity.

I reminisced in my Instagram reel this week about last summer. It’s something I always like to do because it gives me the chance to set goals for myself but also understand that whatever comes my way this summer is the way it is supposed to be. Everything happens for a reason, and I will continue to stand by that.

BUT, until I can enjoy summer, I still have to get through this next month of school. Whether or not I like it, exams are going to happen and I have to still put in the work. But it will all be worth it in the end.



with love

grace <3