I know I have been MIA for a while… It’s been tough. Right now, I have been having the hardest time thinking of blogs to write. Something different. Something that I haven’t done before.

I’ve been traveling recently… two weeks in the beautiful BRITISH COLUMBIA. I literally can’t believe I just typed those words. Over the years, my dream has been to come here (this and HAWAII) and I didn’t think for a second that it would happen right after graduating high school (can’t believe I’m saying that one either). It’s been a growing eagerness to come here and live a little granola lifestyle and just fully immerse myself in nature so beautiful and peaceful. Trust me too I think I needed this.

I’ve been stressed to the max at home.

School. Life. Friends. Family. Anxiety. Mental Health. Work. Summer.

Everything just seemed to be adding up and my brain was running circles trying to catch up to everything I was worried about. Then I came here and from the moment I stepped off the plane it kind of all just went away. I saw my sister at the airport waiting for me and after eight months it was almost a full sob fest, but I held it together with all the excitement to see her standing there IN PERSON. I wasn’t stressing about past actions or future problems. I saw my sister and I was the happiest I could be. BANDS BACK TOGETHER.

Looking at the mountains, I was in absolute awe about being here. Something I only imagined in my head was standing right in front of me. I can’t even tell you how many times I thought I was looking at a green screen. It didn’t seem real. I didn’t think I’d be traveling for YEARS.

It felt like home. A temporary home that I knew I couldn’t get enough of. I am so happy to have felt at peace with being somewhere that wasn’t, well home. I’m quite the homebody so coming somewhere else for two weeks was going to be an adjustment but I guess I didn’t realize the adjustment lasted maybe two seconds.

I was ready for this adventure. Trying and seeing new things. Spending time with my sister and getting to see my brother (although it had been a little over a month I think that’s a too long time). My next blog is going to be a travel guide but I’m keeping this a little sentimental just because I had a family reunion after SO LONG.

I’m going to be honest, flying is something I always thought I would like when in reality it is exhausting. I hadn’t been on a plane since I went to Europe a few years ago for a school trip, and this was my very first time going on a plane BY MYSELF. You can probably guess that I was pretty scared. I get stressed very easily but it wasn’t actually as bad as I thought and now I’m mostly confident to travel alone.

The west coast was an absolute dream, and as busy as I was, I missed writing blogs and updating you guys on my life.

Now that I’m back, I have a new perspective (again): to enjoy what’s around me. To pick the small moments, enjoy the little things because in the end they make up for the big moments.