I am so lucky. 2/2 I get to write on Christmas and on New Year’s day.

Today is short and sweet. I am going to share my vision board for 2023.

I have some goals for 2023. And I really took the time to think about this. Because I never really take the reflection time needed to write down my goals. And I want them to be small, clear and truly reflective of who I want to be.


I will pour love into 2023. And I am not trying to be sappy about this one. But I am going to put effort into those who put effort back. I am not going to wait around. And I am going to lead with love, passion, and my kindness.

I am going to treat myself how I do others. Our biggest competitors are ourselves. Yet I always forget that the way I treat others with so much kindness should include myself too. I am not going to let myself get treated badly because I deserve love too.

I am not going to wait around for others. If I want something I am going to go for it. No ifs, ands or buts. I am going to be comfortable in my own skin. I am going to be confident and I am going to go after what I want.

This is the year of me. I am going to do things for myself. Choose myself. My body, my mind and my soul. I am going to choose me. This is my year. A year of growth, timing, space. I am going to do it. I just have to believe in myself. and I am narrowing my focus on my goals, my mental health, and my personal wellness.

Flow with life era. I am going to heal this year. I am not going to let life get in my head too much. Or let myself dwell in my thoughts. I have so many opportunities in this life. WE have so many opportunities in this life. And we shouldn’t let anyone or anything tell us otherwise.

Movement for myself. When I need to clear my head, this year will be the moment of headphones on and walking. Just walk and walk, until I can clear my head. Get a coffee, put on a walking playlist, and just walk for me. That’s that.

Focus on self-care. I want to build a really strong self-care routine. I want to have my little escapes in self-care activities. Because when I get in my head, it gets challenges to try and leave. To try and ignore it. The more I repress, the more I ignore these thoughts, the stronger they get. And it’s hard to break the cycle. The cycle of thoughts. That make me doubt myself. Distractions help me forget about those thoughts. Forget about the weight and almost feel moments of relief. Self-care is important. WE ARE IMPORTANT. <3

This is my vision board for 2023… bright colours, lots of nature, time with myself and time with my friends and family. I want to focus, achieve my small goals, and have a really amazing year.



with love

grace <3


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