healing your inner child


I hope you are all doing well.

This week I want to talk about something that has been more subtle but important. And this is something I have been becoming more aware of since my holiday break.

healing your inner child. 

It’s kind of a different type of concept. But it is so truly important, because what I have been coming to learn is that by spending time trying to heal this part of ourselves, we open up the door to becoming open-minded, enjoying the little things and really finding a way to not dwell over stuff that might feel really heavy. I think I want to paint a picture for you.

I was sitting in my living room at my family home completing my multi-year Harry Potter marathon and something just lit up inside me. I was extremely comforted by my own comfort movie. And I know that sounds super cliche, but it was almost as if I was forgetting all of my worries. I don’t mean as an escape but I mean it just brought me back to when I when really young, watching Harry Potter and feeling like I didn’t have a care in the world. It just puts into perspective how sometimes overanalyzing our worries (which I can be quite famous for) can actually cause a worsened spiral of worry.

And by doing things that “heal” (to some degree) our inner child, we start growing the part of us that puts worries and fears into perspective, and that allow us to enjoy the moment we are in a little more.

This is not a one and done project though. It’s a growing process. It could take months or even years, because there is always some way we can continue to grow.

I just started realizing this process over Christmas break, and it’s something I have been keeping in mind when I make decisions and also when thinking about what activities I will enjoy and feel fulfilled.

Healing your inner self looks different for everyone, and in no way should be a comparable process. Everyone works at different paces and everyone has different activities and choices that will work for them. And by healing, I also want to preface that I don’t mean this as a target that everyone must heal themselves, but I wanted to talk about this to help you reflect because I feel like sometimes we can get lost in our current worries or future moments. This is truly something that can just bring you some clarity and a new perspective.


Also, on another side note, someone very so very extremely special to me became a spin instructor yesterday and I am truly and will forever be so proud of her. This was just a moment where I was really honoured to get to experience this alongside her and will hold that memory with me forever. I think it’s really special to get to experience the highest of moments with the special humans in our lives and it brought me so much happiness.



with love

grace <3

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