Welcome To My Life!

As my first blog post, I want you to get to know me!

Linked down below will be my Instagram page and my Pinterest account which I will be updating regularly to show my interests and new updates in my life and this blog. Please check out my about me page to get a feel for me and my blog posts in the future! I will be updating and posting a new blog weekly and cannot wait for you to follow my tips for living your fullest life!

As this is a very confusing and stressful time in our lives, I wanted to share my first piece of inspiration through this quote.

When you focus on the good, the good gets better.

Abraham Hicks

I wanted to share this quote because although there are some very negative moments in the world right now, by focusing our energy towards the positive outlook through our own self-care and through change created by not one but everyone as a whole, hope is created and when there is hope, there is an encouragement to have a better outlook on what the outcome of this terrifying and unexpected situation is. From this, I want you to take a moment to think about how you can alter your mindset towards one that is focused on the positive side to help guide you out of a deepening experience towards negativity and isolation.

I encourage you to please comment and introduce yourself as this is a space solely for positivity and growth! Thank you!

  1. Happy New Year! I love your blogs Grace and look forward to all the Sundays in 2024!!