Mental Health Check-in


I just want to write a short blog this week because I am gonna be honest, it has been hard coming up with ideas that we haven’t heard already when stuck at home.

I wanted to make this kind of a q&a check-in… Giving yourself the chance to ask yourself some reflection questions in the last week while setting some self-care goals if you feel you have been extra stressed this week (like me).

I hope this helps a little bit. I want to continue to build this community and I want everyone to be able to be open about struggling or just needing a little extra support.


  1. Did I work towards any goals this week?
  2. How has my overall motivation been like this week?
  3. If I’ve been more productive, what has been motivating me this week?
  4. What was the best thing that happened this week?
  5. Did negativity have power over my mindset?
  6. What am I grateful for?
  7. What made me anxious this week?
  8. Did I try anything new this week?
  9. Have I spent time doing a hobby?
  10. Did I get outside?

Maybe you feel like asking yourself different questions or reflect in a different way… these are some starter questions that I like to think about for reflection, plus they could also be good journal prompts if you prefer writing down your thoughts. I find asking yourself questions gives you a moment to think about where you are and how you want to be present and how you will continue to work towards any goals you have.

This week, one of my classes for school spent a good portion of the class having a conversation based on mental health. Honestly, the fact that everyone got to share what they were thinking and getting the chance to be supportive made me realize how much of a difference it makes when we keep the conversation going.

This is why I enjoy writing short blogs about little mental health check-ins and reflections. The only way we are going to spread awareness is to talk, support, and continue the conversation.

I hope everyone has a great week