

I know last week I didn’t have a blog. But I posted my October recap instead.

October is one of those months that ALWAYS goes by so fast. Like within a blink, it goes from October 1st to 31st to November 1st. Craziness. I love October, but I don’t like how short it feels. I just feel like there is always more to be done. And I know that doesn’t make total sense but by the time Halloween comes, I feel like I didn’t do anything I had hoped to do for fall season. This year was weird too. Now, I don’t know if anyone else is like this but I always get the idea of Halloween costumes in my head. Like I get so excited to find a costume with my friends, get all dressed up and everything. But I just couldn’t bring myself to execute it. And I ended up not going out because I had two midterms the Monday following the weekend. It’s unfortunate.

I also didn’t watch any halloween movies. I started twitches (because it is a tradition) but I watched maybe 20 minutes or even less than that. It’s definitely been a crazy busy month. I started working part-time again. And October was filled with birthdays and A LOT of assessments. It just felt like no room to breathe. But this week I finally got a break. A break from assessments (kind of). A break from things that were just mentally taking a toll on me (also kind of). Okay, I feel like I am lying if there hasn’t been things going on still. But for some reason, despite all of that, I feel like I got some mental clarity on a few things in my life.

I could not tell you the source of this clarity. and hopefully one day I discover it. But for now, I will just say, despite all the challenges we face and thinking we are just going to keep drowning and drowning. And that life just wants to throw things in our faces. And there is almost no light at the end of the tunnel. Well our minds do give us a break. A break when we least expect it. Even though this month has been crazy, I finally got a little mental break. And I am truly grateful for that.

But on the other hand. I am tired. again and again. I also just realized that school is like our full-time job right now. A lot clicked in my brain when I realized that. It is truly a full-time job. Feels like a 9-5 and more.

The point of this blog though.

To talk about this new poetry book I bought.

It’s called “I have something to tell you”.

And I absolutely love it.

Although it was already written, I feel like I can interpret each poem in many ways to just connect with my own life. It speaks to me in a way that it is almost like I am hearing exactly what I need to hear. I like that poems and art do that. Music being exactly what you need to hear. Artwork being exactly what you need to see. Like having an epiphany through art. It’s such an interesting idea. But that’s why I love it. People and words are so powerful. and so impacting. and let us reflect. and think. believe that people are speaking to us on such a personal level. to realize what growth we need to do. what personal reflection we need to learn more about ourselves.

Speaking of art, I also bought new posters. Everyone run to redbubble right now. Okay well go on your computer and search it up. Because it is an online store with posters, stickers, art and so many amazing things done by artists. I bought the absolute coolest Frank Ocean poster. From his blond album.

To go on a rant, I realized how much I love Frank Ocean the other day. He is just so good and his words are just wow. I wanna sit down with him and just learn about him. Although that won’t happen, it is a dream. Him or Daniel Caesar. I just want to know the thoughts behind their music. I feel like it would just be empowering. and inspiring. I just love thinking about things like that. Like how the most successful songs are created. Or what inspired someone to create such meaningful art. Because we all are capable of doing amazing things. It’s just the difference between putting your thoughts to actions. Or putting your words onto paper.  If that makes sense.

I think everyone should buy a poetry book. Milk and Honey was really popular, I remember, although I never bought it myself. It’s fun to annotate the books, find the poems that really speak to you, and maybe learn a few things about yourself too. Self-reflection. You know it’s my favourite. Thinking about self-development and how you can become the best version of yourself. Or grow in a way that makes you happy.

I don’t know where I read it but somewhere, the other day, I read a quote. Life gets confusing when we learn that we are always growing. But it gets even more confusing when there is this end goal we should always be working towards. I’ve learned recently from the quote I read, that life shouldn’t always be about changing to reach an end goal. It’s about learning where you are in these present moments, and adapting to be comfortable where you are. We don’t always have to go through these major changes. And I know that it can sometimes be hard to be consistently satisfied with everything in your life. And I know change is not always a bad thing. But let it happen naturally. What is supposed to be in your life will be eventually. But don’t force anything to happen. And don’t change everything about yourself so you can fast track your life, or to get places quicker. What will be will be. And to be honest, even for me, that was a really hard concept to grasp. But in the end, everything will work out. But don’t wait around for this “end”. Live in the present, adjust to what is around you and live your life how you want. YOU are exactly where you need to be. Don’t think otherwise.



with love

grace <3