september twenty-fourth


It’s officially fall season now or as of the middle of this past week. To think that I am already entering my fourth week of school is just crazy. This time of year is just moving too quickly. And there is so much to do. And lots to accomplish. Yet reading week is already next week. Craziness.

Some things I have been up to recently in the spirit of fall:

fall candle shopping: the aroma of fall is my favourite thing ever so of course, I have to keep up with having fall candles in my room. They are my absolute go to fall room decor too.

gilmore girls: it’s that time of year where rewatching this is extremely fitting. Everything about the show is giving fall and it just puts me in a really mellow mood away from the back to school stress.

fall baking: I am starting to get back into baking, or at least want to. And fall cooking of course. Recently, my new fixation has been soup. But it just brings back so many fall memories of being younger and being in my childhood house smelling all the cooking that would go on.

fall outfits: sweater weather and anything that has to do with fall outfits is basically the reason my day will start off right. I think my sweater collection is a little extreme but now that it’s fall, I can switch it up to something different and cute each day.

Anyways, things are getting kinda stressful and I think I have noticed that over the past week, anxiety and stress have been a little more heightened in my life. As much as this time of year is my favourite, it’s also the time where I tend to be in my head a lot more, worried about future things or all the craziness that is going on. These mini spirals come and go, but they are definitely a lot more consistent during this period. I catch myself in these moments very deep in thought and it is difficult to bring my worries to the surface and reassure myself that everything will be okay.

Fall is tough in that way. It gets colder, busier, and it’s easy to fall into some of my anxious habits. But that’s why things like fall activities are important to note. They are my distractions and they pull me away from entering my thought bubbles filled with stress.

Remember, as much as it can look like everything is okay, we all still have our own struggles that we are dealing with. So, check in on your friends and check in on yourself. Support each other and spread love. Because we deserve all the love the world has to offer.

AND, keep bringing in your favourite wellness activities because you deserve a break too.



with love

grace <3