Spring Fashion Trends I Stand By


I don’t usually talk about fashion but here we are, talking about fashion.

My brother has been inspiring me lately with his new sense of fashion and now he has mentioned that he wants to see a blog about fashion so I want to talk about girls and guys trends that I think are going to trend this spring. Lately, a way to my self-care routine is taking the time to pick and plan an outfit that I feel happy and confident with. It boosts my mood for the day and honestly makes me feel very unstoppable (Beyonce subtly plays in the background).

Before I get into spring/summer fashion trends, today is also the end of the third week of my mental health challenge! The task was to create a new playlist for yourself. I wanted to let you reflect on how you have been feeling overall lately and use that emotion to putting together a group of songs reflecting it. For me, it’s now ARIES season (my birthday season) so I made a playlist reflecting the “stereotypical” said aries emotion because we are seen as powerful, strong, I guess fierce people (hence the fire sign) and I had a lot of fun picking specific songs for that.

Playlists are something I have gotten more into because my goal is to create one for every mood I feel. I guess I feel some sort of control getting to categorize and put a theme to my music but I also like the satisfaction of having music for every mood so I don’t continuously skip through songs to get to one I like.

FASHION TRENDS (most pictures are from Pinterest):

With some of my brother’s input and the masterpiece of Pinterest, I’ve been able to put together a small “lookbook” for some fashion statements of spring. Here’s what I’m thinking for the guys: FLANNELS, Carhart pants, baggy jeans, beanies, sweater vests and hoodies obviously because I think we have reached a time where everyone has been filling their closets with the coziest and simplest clothing pieces. I feel like the trends we are now getting into is a personal favourite because everyone is dressing similar but differently with the variety in each clothing item that is available. We definitely have a lot more colours and I am loving that everyone is finally feeling comfortable in what they are wearing.

I really like that the pandemic has allowed so many people to open small clothing businesses, especially with hoodies because they are now being rebranded to nike trends, cool sayings, and more color. I also like the rebranding of streetwear, because now that we have been in the pandemic, there has been a lot of focus on reselling, and cleaning out our closets to revamp our style and there are some really amazing pieces of clothing that are being restyled to become a new trend.


matching sets, knitwear, sweater vests, biker shorts, jean shorts that are a little longer, sweatsuits, sweaters that are tied around like a backpack, the wool coats, neutrals. Literally everything coming into play promotes comfy, outside of the box, positivity and I am so excited to try some of these trends for the spring! There’s so many small details in the simplicity of some of these outfits and literally the ideas coming out for clothing trends are so amazing and the colors between neutral and pops of green, pink, purple, red… just WOW.

To go along with my first OOTD, here are my favs for the season to come! Hope this gives some good inspo but just keep in mind that we create our own style and trends too!! Check out my Pinterest: @gracefrench7 for some more fashion inspo.