Thursday Talk

Today, I wanted to quickly talk about two things.

Also, off-track but, I love that I can literally just come on here and speak exactly what I’m thinking and share my thoughts on anything. I don’t know why I find it fascinating that this can happen but I am so happy that I have this outlet, platform (even if it’s tiny) to share my personal thoughts.

One; Podcasts. If you’re in need of a self-care moment or something to clear your head, believe me when I say podcasts are the answer. I know I am really jumping late on this trend but I seriously can’t get over how life-changing they are. I found out that Emma Chamberlain, an influencer I follow because she is the funniest person ever, has a podcast and I had to listen in on an episode. And let me tell you, it is so amazing. I can’t believe I pushed listening to podcasts until now because I know this is going to be a new addiction. I would definitely recommend trying to listen in on an episode because they have podcasts for EVERYTHING. If you need to laugh, cry, background life stories, or just a genuinely happy moment, listen to a podcast. Everyone seems to have them now, meaning celebrities, so I know for sure there is something there for everyone.

Second; even though these are completely different settings, I wanted to talk about food drives for a moment. My class for leadership is working on a carnival event where we are donating to local food banks and while contacting and speaking with various banks around the area, a lot of them are currently in need of food and/or clothing. Especially since it is getting colder as we speak, I worry so much about these food donation places that may not have enough for the holidays. I am so grateful that we are able to do this event but I want everyone to keep in mind that even one non-perishable food item donation can go a long way. And I know what you’re thinking. COVID. right. So they will actually meet you outside, take the donation, and sanitize it themselves! Which is AMAZING.

Even if you don’t want to go directly to food banks, there is an amazing program going on online with Amazon called Delivering Smiles (Link Below) where you can directly donate items off their wishlist or cash donations!

Delivering Smiles Amazon

Anyways, however different these two topics were, I had to get them off my mind.

Thanks and Stay Kind:)

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