The Graceful 75


Although I have talked about it through my Instagram, a Sunday blog post was in store to formally introduce my GRACEFUL 75 ‘challenge’.

I have created my version of the 75 hard, where I base the next 75 days toward practicing more wellness. I don’t necessarily consider this a challenge, but more of another path on our wellness journey.

If I have learned anything over my self-discovery journey so far, it has been that habits take time to form and implement into my everyday life. I can’t change in an instant. Habits take consistency and discipline. So, the ‘graceful 75’ is a way of implementing more wellness into your day and more conscientious decisions towards how you are treating your mind, body and soul.

My only ‘challenge’ to you is to just try it out. Look at the list below and see if you can implement any of the wellness activities into your daily routine. Even if it is only a few activities that you can implement, beginning this process is already a huge step.

Our self-care adventure is a slow progression, it can’t be all done in one day. So these “75” days are there to show you that these habits will take time to form, that bad days still happen where we feel unmotivated. But, it’s this idea to just continue and that a reset is allowed at any point. Slow progression is still progression. and setbacks are still a big part of the growth process.


– first thing in the morning = a glass of water

– 5-minute gratitude journal session

– protein-focused breakfast BEFORE coffee

– colourful meals (get those greens)

– no phone 30 minutes before + after waking up

– daily movement (even if it’s just a 10-minute walk)

– go outside! (even if it’s to look at the sky)

– 10 pages of a book each day

– skincare day + night

– 5-minute stretch


2024 is going to be a big year, I can feel it. And the Graceful 75 feels like a strong start to getting back into my routine and jumping into the year with a focus on my mental health and wellness. I hope that if you try this for 75 days, you are able to turn some of these practices into habits and kickstart what will be a productive and wellness-based year.

And plus, this is a way to implement that balance that you have been craving in your life. I found with the 75 hard, although it is something that really puts your mind + body to the test, I sensed a fixation that might take away from other aspects in my life. Especially with a whole new semester, work life, social endeavours and my personal wellbeing, I wanted to focus my version on the personal side, to make sure we aren’t putting ourselves on the back-burner but creating stability in our life pillars.



with love

grace <3